Category: Uncategorized

Minimizing Risk & Driving Growth: Insights from Sumeet Sabharwal at Build IT 2024 

Minimizing Risk & Driving Growth: Insights from Sumeet Sabharwal at Build IT 2024 

At the recent Build IT 2024 event, our partner Sumeet Sabharwal from Netgain Technology, LLC participated in a compelling panel discussion. He shared valuable insights into the strategic decisions behind building their own solutions rather than reselling or white-labeling. Watch the full panel discussion below to gain more insights: Core Competency and Margin Excellence Sumeet

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Transforming Cybersecurity: Why Partners Trust the Seceon Platform

Transforming Cybersecurity: Why Partners Trust the Seceon Platform

Managing cybersecurity today feels like trying to juggle too many balls at once. Companies are forced to use a collection of tools, each focused on a single task, like threat detection, compliance, or vulnerability management. Together, they create more complexity, higher costs, and slower responses to threats. But what if there was a simpler way?

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Webinar Recap: Analyzing and Reporting Risks for MSPs and MSSPs: Introducing  Seceon aiSecurity Score360 and aiSecurity BI360 with Seceon and partner, Logically

Webinar Recap: Analyzing and Reporting Risks for MSPs and MSSPs: Introducing Seceon aiSecurity Score360 and aiSecurity BI360 with Seceon and partner, Logically

Webinar Recap: Analyzing and Reporting Risks for MSPs and MSSPs: Introducing Seceon aiSecurity Score360 and aiSecurity BI360 with Seceon and partner, Logically

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Cyber Security Solutions

Cyber Security Solutions

A cyber security solutions includes a product or service that helps protect organizations and individuals from damaging cyberattacks. Although often used synonymously, the terms cyber security solution and cyber security solution provider have different meanings. The term cyber security solution applies to companies that help prevent and mitigate cyber security vulnerabilities. Seceon Inc. help you

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