Author: Kriti Tripathi

Minimizing Risk & Driving Growth: Insights from Sumeet Sabharwal at Build IT 2024 

Minimizing Risk & Driving Growth: Insights from Sumeet Sabharwal at Build IT 2024 

At the recent Build IT 2024 event, our partner Sumeet Sabharwal from Netgain Technology, LLC participated in a compelling panel discussion. He shared valuable insights into the strategic decisions behind building their own solutions rather than reselling or white-labeling. Watch the full panel discussion below to gain more insights: Core Competency and Margin Excellence Sumeet

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Transforming Cybersecurity: Why Partners Trust the Seceon Platform

Transforming Cybersecurity: Why Partners Trust the Seceon Platform

Managing cybersecurity today feels like trying to juggle too many balls at once. Companies are forced to use a collection of tools, each focused on a single task, like threat detection, compliance, or vulnerability management. Together, they create more complexity, higher costs, and slower responses to threats. But what if there was a simpler way?

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