Tag: Brute Force Attack

Brute Force Attack: Preventing Trial-and-Error Logins

Brute Force Attack: Preventing Trial-and-Error Logins

Brute force attacks have been around for a long time, yet they remain one of the most common methods cybercriminals use to gain unauthorized access to systems. These attacks rely on a basic strategy: repeatedly guessing passwords until the right combination is found. While brute force methods may sound simplistic, they can be surprisingly effective

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The Largest Pipeline Network went down by Cyberattack

The Largest Pipeline Network went down by Cyberattack

The US largest pipeline is managed by the Colonial Pipeline, which shut down on May 7, 2021 temporarily due to the Cyberattack attempted by the Cybercriminals. The all sudden shut down of computing system affected the IT infrastructure too.  The shutdown was over the entire gulf and east coast which created lot of chaos all

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